AUTHORS & PUBLISHERS: I love to write and share reviews of books I have read. I would be more than happy to accept your books and/or products for reviews and hosting contests.
I read all genres but am most interested in historical fiction, paranormal, YA and mysteries. I will accept books in other genres if I think they will interest me.
I will also review products that are related to reading or anything that will make my life as a mother easier!
I have both a Nook and a Kindle so I will accept ebooks.
I review in a timely manner and review books are priority. If it is long before the release date I am happy to hold off on the review until closer to the release date. If there is a specific time you would like your book to be reviewed, let me know and I will be happy to oblige.
I post all my reviews here on Book Loving Mommy, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Goodreads. I am honest in my reviews but I promise to be fair and keep it nice. I realize just because I didn't like it doesn't mean others won't.
In accordance to the FTC Guides Governing Endorsements and Testimonials for bloggers I will disclose at the end of my review which books were received free from the author or publisher in exchange for my uncompensated, fair and impartial review. My reviews are absolutely my own opinion and are not swayed by the fact that I received them free or purchased them. I do not accept monetary compensation for my reviews.
All books reviewed on my site are purchased by me or borrowed from the library, friend or family.
You can contact me at